Monday, July 18, 2011

The Chandelier

I found a cute little chandelier at Lowe's on sale.  I thought it would really glam up my little trailer so I snatched it up and starting planning how I would get it to stay up there safely while riding down the road.  I found this really shallow ceiling fan box which was perfect!

I used some angle brackets and attached it between two of the roof slats so it would remain secure up top.

I had to protect the wire as it moved into the box but the normal brackets wouldn't work since they sat too high.  I found this piece of tubing laying around the garage and cut it open along the side.  It fit around the edge of the metal so it forms a cushion.  I wouldn't want the wire getting worn through with all the movement going down the road!

This is how the box looked once it was installed.  The roof rafters sit on top of the side walls and are screwed down with wood screws. Insulation board will go between the rafters and then everything will be wrapped in Tyvek before the metal roof gets screwed down.

Now what do you think of this!?!?  I LOVE it!  It really looks beautiful lit up at night and takes the interior decor to the next level.  I was so happy that it turned out so well.  This picture shows my two favorite items in the whole trailer...the chandelier and the wine rack! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Curved Wall

Scotty trailers had a beautiful curved wall in them that formed the closet.  I tore mine out. I had to rebuild it but I didn't have a clue how to do it. Veneer was too thin and 1/8th inch luan does not like to be bent 90 degrees.  I had read where you can "kerf" a piece of wood to make it bend so that was my plan.  Kerfing is where you make multiple vertical scores in a piece of wood about 75% thru it's thickness.  The closer you place these grooves to each other the easier the wood will bend.  The deeper you go with the grooves the easier it is to bend.  Mind you, I only had 1/8th of an inch to work with here.  I was hesitant but I found that my dremel tool had a perfect bit size and I could set the depth to about 75% like I needed.  I set up a guide using two wood clamps and a straight board.  Here is a picture of the dremel and bit.

Then I proceeded to TEDIOUSLY and SLOWLY make about 60 some odd grooves where the piece of wood would need to bend the most.  It took a long time.  My neck started hurting.  My fingers went numb from the vibrations. I took lots of breaks but finally got it done. 

When I went to mount the thing....IT BROKE!  I should have done about 20 more grooves but I got impatient and paid the price.  Oh well.  Here's to PLAN B!

Corrugated metal.  Very bendy.  Easy to cut.  I knew I could paint it to match the cabinets and it would go along with my cottage theme right?  Here is what it looked like when it first went up.  I grabbed a can of this self etching primer.  Boy this stuff stinks.  And a warning to anyone using this....plan to sand it down like crazy.  It dries really rough.  I had to hand sand all the grooves.

After an hour of sanding the grey primer I put one coat of regular primer and two coats of the blue paint.  Then a final coat of the antique glaze I used on the cabinets.  I like it.  I like it ALOT!  My 14 year old daughter thinks it looks cool.  Score one for Mom.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Electrical System

So, the part of this build that was most intimidating to me was tackling the electrical system.  Whenever I would read posts on the web where people would discuss volts, amps, breakers and other electrical "things" my eyes would glaze over and my brain would just turn off.  I knew I had to learn this stuff because hiring an electrician to wire up this trailer was not going to be in my budget.  Luckily I have made email friends with a very knowledgable lady who LOVES electrical stuff and remodels all kinds of travel trailers.  She has been able to answer all my questions.  I also bought a "How To" book on basic wiring that helped alot.  I basically ran two circuits off of 20 amp breakers, used wire rated to carry 20 amps and used outlets and switches also rated for 20 amps. 

This picture above shows how I added a junction box to the right of the breaker box to house the shore power cord.  The orange wire is actually too short inside the junction box so I ended up going back and making the wires inside a little longer.  Code is to have the wires at least 6 inches inside.  I also rearranged the wires inside the breaker box so they weren't all jumbled to one side.  Each of the yellow wires goes to a different circuit.  You don't want too many items on one line or it can overload the circuit.

The above picture is inside the cabinet where the microwave will reside.  It will be plugged up to the outlet on the bottom of the cabinet.  This is circuit #1 and I have the microwave, the fridge and a couple of outlets on this circuit.  This one includes the outdoor outlet as well.  That groove on the back wall was a mistake....I was thinking I had to run the wire up to the kitchen cabinet so I routed out an access point and then realized after planning everything that I didn't have to do that afterall.  Bummer.  The beadboard was so pretty. I might have to fix that.

This is the inside of the fridge cabinet.  I am anxious to put the fridge in there but need to wait until I have all the 12 volt systems wired up.  That is next!  I ordered the supplies and have started reading up on the details.

This is the back side of an outlet I put in the potti closet.  I plan to hang a mirror and a vanity light  in there so thought it would be nice to have an extra outlet there for a hair dryer or something.  I will have more pictures of electrical later.  I finally plugged her up and tested all the outlets and they all work great!  Nothing was smoking or sizzling so I feel really good at getting it done and learning something new.  (I'm having an eletrician friend come review my work before she goes on the road though....just to make sure everything is fine.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dinette Table Leg

I have this old table on my back deck.  I was thinking how "blah" the current dinette table leg was in Josephine and what I might be able to replace it with that was consistent with my cottage decor.  Ha!  How about I make it look like this?

So, I had my daughter make a template out of posterboard and extend it by 2 inches to meet the height I needed. Then I traced it onto a 1/2" piece of plywood I had left over from some previous cuts.

I cut it out, sanded it down and primed it really well.  Then put on two coats of the blue color I was using on the rest of the cabinets and distressed it.  It put on a final coat of antique glaze to finish up. 

Here is what it looks like finished and in place inside the camper!  Much cuter than the original.  The table doesn't look level in this picture but it is in person.  I love it!