My vintage Scotty has been home for a week now. Our HOA doesn't allow trailers or boats in the neighborhood so I had to covertly hide her behind my house so I can work on her. She is right next to the chicken coop. No, chicken coops aren't allowed by the HOA either...and when they have five laying hens as permanent residents it is practically a felony. We have a tall wooden fence surrounding the back yard and a bunch of tall trees. So far so good.
My Scotty has never been restored so I expected to have some repairs to make before I started the fun part of decorating the inside. These pictures are of some of the damage I found upon closer inspection of the trailer. The first picture is a wet/rotted spot on the inside ceiling. There were two of them. I quickly learned that when you are looking at water damage on the inside it is literally the tip of the iceburg. Water rots everything in it's path and I was staring at the END of the path. So...... I ventured to the roof and found this...
and this....
So many layers of goop that it would take me months to scrape it all off. One of the previous owners had screwed through the metal roof about 37 times with screws that went no where and each one had dripped water into the interior.
Since there were so many screw holes I decided I needed a new roof. An intimidating task since I have never replaced a roof before. Call me lazy but I would rather learn something new than scrape off all that GOOP! YUK.